
Lg g3 camera apk work on cm 12 rom ?

Hi all i want work stock lg g3 camera apk on cm 12 rom its possible ? if posiible how to ? sory my english.

Lg g3 camera apps and mods

That XCam is basically an enhanced camera app that adds in some extra modes over the stock. Think of it as camera = Android, camera app = a ...

XCam LG - improved camera APP for G2

Hi, Good news: xdabbeb's camera MOD is now available as normal app (no root required) in xda-developers' forum.

LG G3 - User opinions and reviews - page 130

But when I got this phone I loved android phones and LG products also. Now I am using all the time and I didn't notice any bad features. I enjoyed with the ...

國外XDA論壇已放出LG G3 主題包(第2頁)

國外XDA論壇已放出LG G3 主題包- Hades7989 wrote:v1.0 昨天推出了...(恕刪)可是天氣的小工具感覺變得很怪(LG 第2頁)

xda內發表LG G3主題-請自行連接(G PRO2可用)

xda內發表LG G3主題-請自行連接(測試G PRO2可用)請連接以下..下載http://forum.xda-developers.com/lg-g-pro-2/themes-apps/g3-theme-t2802560.

LG Camera app on custom roms? : rLGG3

The LG G3's camera is dependent on the LG framework (think how TouchWiz works), so it will work fine on stock based ROMs.

Someone on XDA Developers has successfully ported the LG V10's ...

100% needs root as besides the camera app, you need modified system files such as the media_profile.xml,camera_profile.xml and most like some ...

Optimized LG G3 camera mod for Lollipop AOSP ROMS

I have been using this camera mod for the past couple of weeks, and I have noticed a huge improvement in image quality.

[No Root] V10 Camera fully working on G3 (updated)

Thank you so much for the V10 camera port in LG G3 ( Android D855 MM 6.0 series port A, B and C ). It is such a great camera apk. for me.


Hialliwantworkstocklgg3cameraapkoncm12romitspossible?ifposiiblehowto?sorymyenglish.,ThatXCamisbasicallyanenhancedcameraappthataddsinsomeextramodesoverthestock.Thinkofitascamera=Android,cameraapp=a ...,Hi,Goodnews:xdabbeb'scameraMODisnowavailableasnormalapp(norootrequired)inxda-developers'forum.,ButwhenIgotthisphoneIlovedandroidphonesandLGproductsalso.NowIamusingallthetimeandIdidn'tnoticeanybad...